Web designers—stop us if you’ve heard this one. You pound the pavement and spend weeks marketing yourself to find new clients. You meet some prospects, negotiate rates, and eventually deliver the website build. And after the project is done? Poof—you never see that client again. Is there a secret sauce to keeping these clients around on a monthly basis?

Expanding Client Relationships

This is a common problem for web designers. Your service is a one-shot deal, and barring the few site owners who agree to sign on for ongoing maintenance services, most of your clients disappear after the project is finished. And unfortunately, as they go, so too does the opportunity to drive value from your established provider/client relationship.

But while maintenance services can be lucrative, they’re not the only cash-generating tool in the web developer’s arsenal. There are other strategies available, such as regular blogging services, that can be just as profitable as ongoing maintenance, just as effective at keeping clients in the fold, yet require less effort on your end.

Get Them Blogging

Content production across the web is exploding. As competition for online services grows, smart brands are beginning to see themselves as publishers.

Consider how selling your clients on regular blogging services can support your established business model. Your core value proposition is the same—providing cutting-edge website builds—but now, you have an entirely new service offering that can support your client’s emerging business in other ways. Unlike website deliverables, blogging services are continual and only “end” when the client desires.

What this means for web designers who offer blogging services is that every client you come across has the potential to provide additional revenue each month on top of the profits made from the initial site build.

And the benefits aren’t limited to your brand—your clients will gain access to a new form of content-based marketing that can help position themselves as thought leaders in their industry and show off their expertise to potential clients of their own.

It makes sense for you. It makes sense for them. Instead of working endlessly on back-end efficiency tweaks that amount to spare change in your pocket, consider how regular blogging services can support your business relationships, your business model, and your bottom line.

Tell us about your business and if you think there’s an opportunity to generate you more revenue with minimal investment.