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  • contact@wordsbyapro.com

Give your website the attention it deserves with an experienced marketing team to help draft website content and ensure that all pages are structured clearly, contain effective messaging, and stay relevant to your audience.

White Paper

Build trust with readers and demonstrate your authority.

White Paper Research & Development

Don’t let the rush toward short-form content undercut the value of a well-written white paper for lead generation. Particularly for B2B transactions, white papers are a powerful lead magnet that promote your brand’s authority, thought leadership, and commitment to research-driven processes.

White Papers

Why partner with Words by a Pro for white paper development?

Expand your marketing funnel

with researched, authoritative content that addresses your audience’s complex business challenges.

Generate more leads

by creating high-quality gated content to entice readers into action.

Establish credibility

by developing in-house thought leadership resources that readers won’t be able to find anywhere else.

Ensure content quality

with focused writers, editors, and designers bringing their expertise to every project.

Maintain flexibility

with a creative team who can adjust scoping, schedules, and deliverables to suit your project’s evolution.
Focused businessman looking at paper sheet while sitting at his desk

Are your lead generation strategies coming up short?

Create powerful, fact-driven reports that readers won’t be able to resist.
B2B buyers who have used white papers to make decisions in the past 12 months
Early-stage buyers who view white papers as one of the most effective content types
B2B decision-makers willing to register info to access an industry white paper
White Papers

Establish Credibility With B2B Buyers

Although quick, short-form content has become fashionable for consumers, B2B works differently. In many cases, the type of substantive content found in white papers can be the difference-maker between several shortlisted service providers.

Create Engaging Long-Form Resources

White papers provide concrete data and research-backed information to fuel B2B buying decisions.

Become a Trusted Authority

Demonstrate your brand’s expertise by creating rich content assets that prospects won’t find anywhere else.


Personalized White Paper Production

Benefit from WBP’s time-tested content production process across all phases of white paper research, development, and editorial. Our team offers white glove content production that can be tailored to your business’s process.

Hands-Off Production

We’ll perform industry research on your behalf, leveraging government reports, industry research, and scholarly journals to find rich data points to support your messaging.

Repurpose Your Existing Research

If your business already has industry research or data, we’ll help you shape your data into engaging, fact-driven content.
White Papers

In-House Specialists for Every Stage of White Paper Development

Words by a Pro’s 100% in-house team includes technical writers, publication editors, and digital strategists across a range of fields to support every phase of white paper delivery.

Specialist Expertise

Our process coordinates the specialized skills of technical writers, editors, and subject matter experts to produce engaging and data-rich white papers.

White Glove Service

Personalize your content delivery. Our services range from consultative to fully hands-on, based on your desired level of engagement.
Contact Us

Craft Authoritative White Papers

Empower your B2B strategy with meticulously researched and expertly written white papers. Connect with Words by a Pro to transform insights into trust-building tools that captivate and retain your audience’s attention.

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