Why do polarizing figures captivate us? Is it a human tendency to gawp at the bizarre? Or is it because these shameless personas tap into our desire to be entertained and revel in controversy? We believe it’s the latter—and marketers can leverage these same tendencies to attract, engage, and retain readership.

Inbound marketing isn’t new, but there are always new businesses out there eager to explore the possibilities for the first time. Understanding the intricacies of inbound marketing is a necessary first step. Start here: a guide built specifically to help web designers understand and articulate the benefits of inbound to their clients.

Blogging quickly rose from an activity for hobbyists to a full-fledged marketing paradigm. Today, blogs form the foundation of many content marketing programs—and their potential value extends well beyond their initial publication. From authority to SEO, a great blog can boost the impact of your other offerings in some interesting ways.

“Take more risks” rarely falls into the category of best practices for businesses, yet, marketers have a substantial amount to gain by taking strategic risks in how content gets positioned. Read on to learn about walking this line and developing a unique personal voice that resonates.