Your call to action may just be the most important lever in your content marketing strategy. And here’s your first tip: it’s less about what you say and more about how you make them feel. Get an insider look on CTA creation and learn how to write callouts that inspire readers.

There’s nothing better than numbers for adding weight to your words. Data, statistics, and relevant formulas reinforce your content and add legitimacy to your claims—the ultimate “show, don’t tell” strategy for persuasive business communication. Read on for some quick tips on how to use numbers effectively throughout your content.

Is content a commodity? In a sense—but to call it a mere product would be a disservice to the research, effort, and sheer creative force that goes into well-written copy. For brands that want to distinguish themselves with thought leadership, considering the economics of content production is only the first step.

Readers are a fickle bunch with no time to waste on sloppy copy. In our experience, bad business writing often falls victim to one of several pitfalls that detract from your content’s authority, legitimacy, and relevance. Take a look at these all-too-common errors and rest easy knowing your messaging is on point.