Explore the impact of deceptive advertising and why integrity matters more than ever. Any company can spin a lie to make a buck—but truly great companies understand the power of honesty and trust as levers for long-term loyalty.
What exactly counts as plagiarism? How do copyrights, fair use policies, and artistic representations factor into the equation? Get a primer on copyright law and protect your brand from the pitfalls of infringement.
“Take more risks” rarely falls into the category of best practices for businesses, yet, marketers have a substantial amount to gain by taking strategic risks in how content gets positioned. Read on to learn about walking this line and developing a unique personal voice that resonates.
Focused re-branding can be just the thing to revitalize a lagging brand image. Whether you’re a marketer, a web designer, or a global manufacturer of military armament, choosing the right brand identity can go a long way toward keeping your products top-of-mind for buyers.