• Henderson, Nevada
  • contact@wordsbyapro.com

Streamline email campaign management with a dedicated team of marketers to generate, review, and publish drip campaign content for each of your email outreach initiatives.

Email Campaigns

Targeted messaging that guides, qualifies, and primes leads for your sales funnel.

Branded Email Campaigns Targeted to Your Audience

Email marketing remains one of the most popular and effective ways to connect with your audience, but not just any email will convert wary prospects into confident buyers. Effective email marketing relies on strategic communication personalized to your audience, their pain points, and their preferences. That’s where we come in.

Email Campaigns

Why companies love our email production services:

Prime MQLs for your sales funnel

with regular & targeted email communications.

Boost email open rates

with hard-hitting subject lines developed by experienced marketers.

Generate awareness and excitemen

for new promotions, products, company updates, and more.

Enjoy a hands-off drafting process

that provides regular, stressless content production for your marketing funnel.

Guarantee relevance and accuracy to your market

with professional content writers behind your email production.
Email campaign strategy

Stay top-of-mind with your customers.

Regular email outreach ensures that you’ll always stay connected with both new prospects and existing customers.

Email marketing generates $38 in value for every $1 spent.
Potential revenue increases possible through segmented email marketing.
Effectiveness of email for customer acquisition compared with Facebook & Twitter.
Email Campaigns

Qualify Leads for Your Sales Funnel

Conversions don’t happen overnight! They’re ongoing efforts requiring multiple touchpoints across the customer lifecycle. Email marketing gives you a simple way to engage your readers often and on their terms.

Focus on Your Best Leads

Email outreach helps you understand which leads are most receptive to your offers and how to reach these markets to drive more sales.

Gather Valuable Marketing Data

Email campaigns provide important data on prospect engagement, marketing preferences, and potential interest in future initiatives.

Build Segmented Campaigns & Speak Directly to Your Audience

Generalized emails get ignored. Segmented emails get clicks. Our email campaign services ensure that every touchpoint is personalized to your audience and their pain points.

Targeted Emails for Any Use Case

We’ll craft customized emails for any market segment, product line, marketing strategy, or other use case that benefits your sales team.

Boost Email Open Rates

Personalization is the main driver of open rates, and segmented email campaigns ensure that your outreach stays relevant to your readers.

Stay Visible and Drive Traffic to Your Landing Pages

Email campaigns create brand equity in your customers’ minds and bring much-needed visibility to your marketing -- both throughout the early funnel stages, and as your prospects approach conversion.

Drive Qualified Leads to Your Site

Email offers are a great way to qualify sales-ready leads and encourage participation with your landing pages and on-site content offers.

Build Out Your Marketing Funnel

Nearly every company out there uses email marketing these days. Why? Because it works. Don’t neglect this essential part of your marketing outreach!
Contact Us

Get a Free Quote for Email Campaigns

We’ll provide the targeted email content you need to connect with your audience. Fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch!

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