• Henderson, Nevada
  • contact@wordsbyapro.com

Give your readers a full rundown of pertinent industry topics. Our eBook production leverages a full team of writers, editors, and designers to provide expert-level management for all aspects of publication.


Generate more sales-qualified leads with engaging, long-form content.

Ebook Drafting, Simplified

Get professional eBook drafting services tailored to your desired level of involvement. Get hands-on and shape the material with your industry expertise, or let us drive development across all phases of outlining, drafting, and editing. Whatever you prefer, we’ll show you the best way to develop long-form eBooks that meet your customers’ needs.


Words by a Pro will handle all aspects of ebook production from outlining to delivery:

Create powerful marketing materials

that educate, inform, and support your readers.

Build out your content library

and gain long-form, SEO-driving assets for your marketing funnel.

Benefit from a customized drafting process

that’s as hands-on or hands-off as you like.

Full graphic services

with original, in-house image creation & image sourcing from third-parties.

Multiple phases of editing & proofreading

to guarantee accuracy, tone, and clarity for your target market.

Ebook 1

Get the resources you need to grow your brand.

Ebooks let your stories flourish in a rich, long-form style that excels at turning market-qualified leads into sales-qualified leads.

Ebooks are by far the most requested content type by marketers.
B2B buyers who would share their contact information in exchange for an eBook.
Marketers who believe that repurposing & updating existing materials is the most efficient content marketing tactic.

Create Rich Deliverables to Entice Prospects and Customers

Ebooks are powerful content assets to educate, inform, and support your prospects. These deliverables provide real value to readers and give you a long-form way to address their issues, no matter what they may be.

Create Leads for Your Marketing Funnel

Ebooks are an effective way to attract leads throughout the early stages of your marketing strategy.

Join Stories With Images & Data

Keep readers engaged with hard-hitting stories paired with custom images, infographics, breakout statistics, and more.

Dig Deep Into Key Topics of Interest

There’s no better way to tackle your customers’ problems in-depth than a long-form eBook. This medium lets you take a deep dive into industry concepts and pain points relevant to your market, assuaging their concerns and proving your authority all at once.

Identify and Address Pain Points

Stay one step ahead of customer needs with targeted eBooks that provide solutions to your audience’s biggest problems.

Boost SEO With Keyword-Rich Content

Leverage long-form content assets to increase on-site ranking signals and overall SEO potential.
A Skilled Creative Team

Repurpose Existing Content Into Value-Driving Resources

The great thing about eBook production is that you’ve likely done much of the hard work already. Your blogs, case studies, whitepapers, and even website content can all be repurposed and updated to create powerful eBook assets for your marketing goals.

Get More Value From Your Marketing

Our eBook services extend the ROI of your marketing investments by giving you a variety of resources to share.

Create Free or Gated Deliverables

Ebooks work well as both free resources and gated content; customize your marketing and encourage your prospects to take action.
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Get a Free Quote for Ebook Production Services

Harness Words by a Pro's decades of experience producing award-winning ebooks and bolster your authority among your target audience.


Contact us to learn more about our process!

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