T140819 - Blog - Language Ninja 140819he Language Ninja is back, happily answering grammar-related questions that she has mostly not invented.

1. Question: Is there a significant difference between the phrases: “I could care less” and “I couldn’t care less?”

Answer: Although, lamentably, these two phrases are used interchangeably, yes — there is actually a huge difference. You see, I couldn’t care less means — literally — that the person uttering the phrase is physically, mentally and spiritually devoid of concern regarding the topic to which he or she is referring. If you couldn’t care about something to any lesser degree, then you are totally absent care. However, if you could care less, then you actually do care — albeit just a smidge. Whether the person using the expression realizes it or not, he or she is really communicating the opposite of what is intended: that there is an element of care left within his or her soul.

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