How Blogs Can Enhance the Revenue of Your Other Services

Blogs are the cornerstone of all content marketing campaigns. They’re short, sweet, and to the point—exactly what you need to capture a reader’s attention. But blogs are just one tool in the marketing utility belt. An effective content marketing strategy relies on structured content creation with each piece of material adding value, and reinforcing the value of the others.

Blogs are the foundation of your marketing

To see the full view of how blogs contribute to your business growth, let’s do a quick thought experiment. Think of your content strategy like a pyramid:

  • At the lowest, widest point, you have your foundational content: Short-form blogs, articles, and any other quick materials designed to inform and educate your readers. These are easy to produce and easy to distribute.
  • As you travel up the pyramid, content becomes more focused: Think FAQs, webinars, and other in-depth resources that take more time to produce.
  • At the top of the pyramid, your content should be direct and highly focused to your market: Whitepapers, case studies, or data sheets.

With this framework in mind, it’s easy to see how blogs enhance the impact of your other marketing materials, and thus, the revenue of your services.  Without a regular supply of blogs to form the foundation of your pyramid, your other marketing materials have no base to build on. What good is a case study if your audience isn’t even sure of what their problem is? Blogs are gateway content that establish context for your services and drive home the value of your solutions.

Blogs are flexible and functional

Blogs also serve as effective channels for your other marketing goals:

Competitive differentiation – Smart brands view themselves as publishers these days, and a regular blog helps businesses establish themselves as thought leaders in their industries.

Social media marketing – Blogs are the perfect content to share on social channels and can significantly increase the activity on a company’s social media page.

On-page SEO – Blogs give companies’ easy ways to incorporate keywords, links, and other SEO tools into their website to increase the visibility of their pages in organic search.

With a little creativity, there’s no limit to the value that a blogging library can bring to your company. If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call to learn how these benefits can be applied to your own organization.